Driving Practical Test

A  driving practical test assesses your ability to drive safely and independently on a variety of roads and in traffic conditions. It also ensures that have a good knowledge of the Highway Code.

When Can You Take The Practical Driving Test?

You can take up the  driving practical test if you are at least 17 years old, hold a valid provisional licence, and have successfully passed the theory test. Upon qualifying for the theory test you receive a certificate that lasts for the next 2 years.

Why Taking the Test is Important?

The test evaluates your capacity to:
Drive safely and independently in a variety of traffic and road situations.
Demonstrate that you are familiar with the Highway Code.

How To Prepare For the Test?

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the test if it’s your first time taking it:

  • Make sure you feel prepared before taking the test. Do not enter hastily only to get your licence.
  • Review the Highway Code.
  • Exercise all of your skills and maneuvers.
  • If there is anything you’re doubtful about, ask your instructor to give it more time.
  • Visit the test location in advance to become accustomed to the route and your surroundings.
  • If you know you’ll be anxious, try scheduling your test for the morning so you can finish it quickly.
  • Take care of yourself the day before your test. Get some exercise, try to stay in, and get lots of sleep.
  • Limit your screen time a few hours prior to the test to reduce distractions.

What Do You Need to Take The Driving Practical Test?

On the day of the test make sure you take the following documents along:

How the Test is Scored?

Unlike many tests, the perfect score is zero on this test. You are marked for the faults you make while driving. The result will be told after the completion of the test.